- May 25 Thu 2017 20:57
Niall Horan 奈爾霍藍
- May 25 Thu 2017 20:57
Niall Horan 奈爾霍藍
- May 25 Thu 2017 04:32
醉醺醺移車4公尺 酒駕慣犯挨罰12萬
- May 25 Thu 2017 03:14
女神卡卡被虧肚子大 一句話讓酸民封嘴
- May 24 Wed 2017 14:10
Harry Styles 哈利斯泰爾
- May 24 Wed 2017 03:53
醫療器材許可證申請體式格局 及 藥物樣品贈品經管門徑
網址: http://www2.cde.org.tw/MedicalSupplies/med-Cons/default.aspx
- May 24 Wed 2017 02:31
金瓶梅譯者美國漢學家芮效衛(David Tod Roy)
Sixty-three years ago, David Tod Roy was翻譯社 as the New York Times puts it, “a 16-year-old American missionary kid looking for a dirty book” at a used book store in Nanjing, China. The book? The Chin P’ing Mei (金瓶梅), a 100-chapter vernacular novel from 16th century China. It relates the intricate details of daily life a fictional polygynous family, including graphic descriptions of sex. The novel follows the main character翻譯社 Ximen Qing, from the time he acquires extreme wealth翻譯社 five wives, fame and sexual stamina to the tragic and graphic dissipation of his estate翻譯社 family, and life.A mere nine years ago, on 12/21/2004, I submitted the final paper in my first ever Chinese literature class. The paper was on my understanding of how Confucianism figured into the moral framework of that very novel Dr. Roy went looking for, all those years ago.
- May 24 Wed 2017 01:36
〈美國在台協會與北美事務調和委員會間特權、免稅暨豁免與和談〉 雲程 ...
保加利亞文翻譯語言翻譯公司 雲程 / SW
(a) The wages, fees or salaries of the designated employee of a sending counterpart organization翻譯社 except nationals and permanent residents of the jurisdiction in which the receiving counterpart organization is located, to the extent such wages翻譯社 fees or salaries are received in connection with the performance of authorized functions, shall be exempt from taxation imposed by the central or local authorities of the jurisdiction in which the receiving counterpart organization is located.
- May 24 Wed 2017 00:30
愛莫森影感《愛情,不用翻譯Lost in Translation》─ 9 . 0
- May 23 Tue 2017 22:54
新成員報到 貓咪成為他的好玩伴