fortune teller (N): a person who tells you what they think will happen to you in the future算命師

Do you believe in fortune tellers? 你相信算命師嗎?常常在我們盡了力,但卻還是事與願違,此時很多人會自怨自艾,但有人卻藉助一些方法而知天命,然後做最好的生涯規劃!這時候就會求助於各種算命師了去算一下自己的命運!
算命(fortune telling)的方法有百百種,例如:占星術(astrology)、八字(numerology)、塔羅牌(tarot card reading)。當然結果就是:信者恆信,不信者恆不信了!
但我個人覺得,算命的話僅供參考,一切還是操之在我!當然第一要件就是一定要盡人事,因為〝天助自助者〞--- God helps those who help themselves!
make a fortune: make a lot of money 賺大錢
I made a fortune in the stock market last year. 我去年在股市賺了大錢
spend a fortune: spend a lot of money 花大錢
Tony spent a fortune on his secondhand car. Tony花了一大筆錢在他的二手車上
fortunately (adv) 幸運地
Fortunately, I passed the test. 幸運地我通過考試了
unfortunately (adv) 不幸地
Unfortunately, she didn’t get the promotion. 不幸地她沒有得到升遷
0800-880-615 (幫幫您‧溜英文)
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