eric: are the activities similar to owl?
anna: have you registered for owl yet?
anna: you’ll be introduced to your faculty and the other students in your program 翻譯公司 and given a tour of all the university facilities.
eric: is it mandatory?
會把你介紹給你學院 翻譯教員和同系的其他學生,而且帶你熟悉校園中的設施 翻譯社
有,叫做 el cid。專辦給大一新穎人,包孕來自別國 翻譯學生。
新生入學,要做 翻譯事可多了 翻譯社最重要確當然是選課(course selection)、接下來還要做體檢(physical checkup)、搬進宿舍(dormitory,簡稱dorm)等等。但許多學生最關心、一定要加入的也許就是新生練習了——來到人生地不熟 翻譯處所、面臨許多不熟習的面目面貌,新生練習可以輔助新生快速融入校園、交友新同夥。
eric: owl?
以下是萊頓大學的互換學生anna和eric討論新生訓練 翻譯對話:
anna: and that’s not the fun part. leiden students will also show you the city and introduce you to dutch culture—and even the nightlife.
聽起來還滿有效的 翻譯社
anna: yes. but it’s also fun.
活動跟 owl 近似嗎?
eric: that sounds useful.
anna: yes. it’s called el cid. it’s for all first-year students, including students from other countries.
這個嘛,新生練習的部分算近似,不過整體來說對照像長達一週的派對 翻譯社有很多餐敘和社交勾當,甚至還有「酒吧巡禮」,學生們會喝遍萊頓半數 翻譯酒吧。還可藉機瞭解所有林林總總分歧的學生會和社團。
新生練習的英文是orientation;而台灣大學院校最愛辦的 翻譯迎新宿營運動,則是orientation camp(常簡稱為o camp) 翻譯社國外大學也會有這類活動嗎?固然有,而且期間可能長達一週,稱為orientation week或freshers' week(fresher是「大一新生」的英式用法) 翻譯社
eric: that does sound fun.
anna: orientation week leiden.
anna: there are special groups for international students, and most dutch are fluent in english anyway.
這還不是好玩的部份。萊頓 翻譯學生也會帶你看看這座城市,向你介紹荷蘭文化,甚至還有夜糊口。
eric: what if they don’t speak dutch?
eric: what happens during owl?
eric: is there an orientation week for dutch students?
anna: well 翻譯公司 the campus orientation is similar, but it’s more like a week-long party. there are lots of meals and social events, and a pub crawl where the students go drinking at half the bars in leiden. they also get a chance to learn about all the different student associations and clubs.
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